Sunday, May 18, 2008

Weekly Recap

Welp, its been a lazy week, and its time to get back on track.

May 11: Yoga X

May 13: Core Synergistics. By the way, Core Syn is a very difficult workout. Chatarunga Runs are a killer.

May 16: Weight was 170.6

May 17: Kenpo X

That brings us to today, May 18.

So, I've had a very inactive week, which isn't good. My weight is ok, but I fear I am losing muscle. I've had enough rest though, over the past two weeks, so I think its time to go into the next weight series, starting with Chest Shoulders Arms tomorrow. I think I may do exercise 25 (X Stretch) tonight to prep for tomorrow, and then skip ahead to exercise 29. Then the other Core workouts I'll just fill in on some two a days. Its just - I gotta get back on the horse. I don't want to lose what I've accomplished.

I've been feeling sick, eating poorly, no sleep - its all affecting me. Its time to grit my teeth and go.

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