Sunday, June 15, 2008

June 11 - Exercise 36: Chest Shoulders Triceps

Back to those exercises requiring the PUSH:

Slo-Mo 3-n-1 Pushups: 12, with 10 bonus fast.
In & Out Shoulder Fly: 16x, 15 lbs per arm
Chair Dips: 20x
Plange Pushups: 20x
Pike Press: 20x
Side Tri-Rise: 11x per side
Floor Fly: 4/4/4/4/4
Scarecrows: 12x, 12.5 lbs per arm
Overhead Tricep Extensions: 12x, 12.5 lbs. per arm
Two-Twitch Pushups: 4 fast, 3 slow, 4 fast 3 slow, 4 fast 3 slow, 4 fast 3 slow
Y-Press: 12x, 15 lbs. per arm
Lying Tricep Extensions: 12x, 15 lbs. per arm
Side-Side Pushups: 12x
Pour Fly: 8x, 15 lbs per arm
Side Leaning Tricep Extensions: 8x per side, 15 lbs. per arm
One-Arm Pushups: 5x per side (good)
Weighted Circles: 10 rotations/10 rotations/10 rotations/10 rotations, no weight
Throw the Bomb: 10x per side, 15 lbs per side
Clap/Plyo Pushups: 11x clap
Slo-Mo Throw: 10x, 12.5 lbs per arm
Front-Back Tricep Extensions: 16x per side, 12.5 lbs per side
One-Arm Balance Pushups: 14x
Fly-Row Press: 12x, 12.5 lbs per arm
Dumbbell Crossbody Blows: 60x, 12.5 per arm

WHEW! Ab Ripper X tough.

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