Friday, April 4, 2008

Day 0: Cardio X, schedule, food, and weight

I've been doing some of the P90x workouts over the past few weeks, waiting to buy some Selecttech weights to fully take advantage of this program in my tiny apartment. I finally received my weights two days ago! I hadn't worked out in a week, so before beginning the program tomorrow, I decided to do a little Cardio X to get back and warmed up for the 90 day run.

The hardest part of Cardio X is definitely maintaining steam after finishing Plyo and going into the core workouts. "Steam engine" is a killer. It doesn't help that I'm huffing and puffing already during the earlier Kenpo section.

I decided to start P90x on a Saturday, giving me Friday as my resting day or X Stretch day. I typically drink heavily with my work mates on Fridays (I know, its not part of the program), but at least this way I can still workout on the weekends when I have more time anyways.

As part of my diet, I bought a big box of protein laced CLIF bars, and this giant tub of protein drink called Endurox. It tastes like fruit punch (supposedly), and I want to vomit upon the smell or taste of it. This program better be worth it. Next time I'll buy some Muscle Milk, which a friend recommended.

Today's starting weight: 172.2 lbs. The goal: anything below 160. Tomorrow is a brand new day.

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