Saturday, April 12, 2008

Days 6 & 7: X Stretch, Kempo X (Real Day 6 / Workout Day 6 / Exercise 7) ... then (Real Day 7 / Workout Day 7 / Exercise 6)

Again, behind with the blogging. I was so sore from the previous workouts, that I decided to switch X Stretch and Kempo X. It didn't help that I woke up late on Day 6, and thus had to work out at 10:30pm. Since I didn't want to go to bed with an accelerated heart rate, X Stretch made sense.

X Stretch was good, although my hamstrings were still in a lot of pain afterwards. My favorite stretch is definitely the swam dive forward and rock back and forth with crossed arms. I wasn't sure what an hour long stretching routine would entail, but it was pretty good. I don't see why people would skip it.

On Day 7, yesterday, I did Kempo X - I'd done it before, and its a great workout. Core is worked, and sweat comes quickly. And its not a huge strain on the muscles, which was good since I was still pretty sore. If I had had time earlier in the day on Day 6, I think I could've handled this, and saved my X Stretch for Day 7.

I did notice something pop in my ankles when doing Kempo X; I hope that everything is ok down there.

With basically one week done, I do notice a slight difference in the mirror. All my life I'd never been able to see my abs, and now I THINK I can start to see them, which is exciting. Also, I feel myself getting stronger - whether it is through being able to really blow through AB Ripper X, or through the number of pullups I am able to do.

My diet has been all over the place, which I am concerned about. I am going to try to be a LOT better about that this week. I think taking better advantage of a higher protein diet and more energy drink will reduce the soreness. We'll see.

Day 8, or Arms and Back / AB Ripper X, is up for today. Not sure when I'll fit it in yet, as I am waiting to hear from my realtor. More later.

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